Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Geometry - Assignment for Wednesday

Hi folks! Today has 5 parts.

Part 1: Start google earth downloading by clicking here, unchecking "download google chrome", and clicking the big button at the bottom that says agree and download. Internet explorer may block it, just click the bar at the top and tell it to allow the download. Once it starts, tell it to run the installer.

2. While Google Earth is downloading, read 1-4. The books are back in the other class, grab a purple binder while you're there. We'll use this to store study materials, mostly assignments.

3. A pirate google earth thing - nevermind, we'll do that tomorrow.

4. Get a protractor from me, and use it to measure and record the four angles between your fingers and thumb on one hand (fingers outstretched). This is due along with the assignment.

5. #4-42, 50-66, 28-32 even, 38 (think 180 degrees).

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